游起或者溺死Can me see the gap between right and wrong我可以看到正确和错误之间的差距Tearful sounds and a joyful song含泪的声音和欢乐的歌曲Reaching for the hands of love向爱之手靠近Hoping to be pulled from up above希望被高高托起My friend 我的朋友To b

日期: 栏目:欧洲杯直播免费观看 浏览:36 评论:0

  1986年世界杯主题曲 A Special Kind Of Hero Song MP3(Argentina Argentina Argentina )//AH //Living for a very special sign为了一个非常特殊的标志而活Telling of a very special time讲述一个极其特别的时刻Leaving just the chance to stake a claim只剩最后一次机会来主宰In a very different kind of game在一个非常特别的比赛中Just one chance to be held up high只有一个机会被高举Or be cut down或被砍到Sink or swim swim or drown沉默或游起,游起或者溺死Can me see the gap between right and wrong我可以看到正确和错误之间的差距Tearful sounds and a joyful song含泪的声音和欢乐的歌曲Reaching for the hands of love向爱之手靠近Hoping to be pulled from up above希望被高高托起My friend 我的朋友To be a special kind of hero去成为一种别样的英雄My new found game 我新发现的游戏To be a special kind of hero去成为一种别样的英雄I need you 我需要你Need you with me需要你和我一起My hero 我的英雄How you bring me你如何为我带来Feelings like I cannot explain我无法解释的情感Warmth that feeds from my pain 有如我伤痛时滋生的温馨Capturing moments in time及时抓住每一个时机的降临That the world can never replace这个世界不能取代Forever suspended in space永世凝结在一瞬Moments of a very special kind非比寻常的时刻Immortalise an aspect of the mind巧妙的将心灵的一个方面Moving past limits of those above超越过去的种种局限Guided by the visions of the strong为强者的视野所指引Into places never seen before进入从未见过的领域Where I can be a certain kind那是我可以成为某人的地方I want to be a hero in my mind我想成为我心目中的英雄With very special guidance from above带着以上不同寻常的指引And very precious moments of my love我和真爱的珍贵瞬间我

游起或者溺死Can me see the gap between right and wrong我可以看到正确和错误之间的差距Tearful sounds and a joyful song含泪的声音和欢乐的歌曲Reaching for the hands of love向爱之手靠近Hoping to be pulled from up above希望被高高托起My friend 我的朋友To b

游起或者溺死Can me see the gap between right and wrong我可以看到正确和错误之间的差距Tearful sounds and a joyful song含泪的声音和欢乐的歌曲Reaching for the hands of love向爱之手靠近Hoping to be pulled from up above希望被高高托起My friend 我的朋友To b


